Uasin Gishu Chapter KNCCI Chairman Mr. Willy Kenei sensitised County Chapter Managers (CCM) and newly recruited Project Field Officers (FPOs) under the Jiinue Growth Program ((JGP) on County Development and Chapter Sustainability initiatives during the ongoing induction and training seminar for CCMs and FPOs in Nairobi.

Among other facilitators of the day included representatives from JGP consortium partners notably; Mr. Reuben Gitau (Head of Lending-Grassroots Business Fund (GBF), Ms. Victoria Garzon (Safeguarding Lead), Valentine Nasila ( Head of Partnership and Engagement- 4G Capital), RoseAnne Masila (Chief Operations Officer -4G Capital).

Others present were Mr. Mutiga Wanjohi (M&E Program Lead-DT Global), Ms. Elizabeth Njenga (Program Manager-4G Capital) and Evans Mwenda (4G Capital) alongside KNCCI JGP Program Team and Secretariat members led by Program Manager Ms. Esther Kimani.