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Functions of KNCCINorman | Drap Digital2021-03-31T08:35:55+03:00
KNCCI Functions
- Promote, co-ordinate and protect commercial and industrial interest to its members and Kenya in a general.
- Promote trade within and outside Kenya.
- Establish and organize finance trade and industrial exhibitions and displays either on its own or in participation with other persons or organizations.
- Foster social unity and promote the welfare of the commercial and industrial community.
- Promote, support or oppose legislations and ineffective bureaucratic measures that may be put in place by the government for the interest of the members.
- Collect and disseminate statistically sound information and other materials to its members.
- Arbitrate in the settlement of commercial and industrial disputes among its members.
- Establish commercial exchanges, new rooms, libraries and other facilities that may be beneficial to its members.
- Provide facilities for the study, enquiry and research into commercial and industrial matters and to publish material and journals among others for the benefit of its members.