As KNCCI, our belief is that our strategic vision can be realised solely by forming robust partnerships and collaborations with other players. The intention is to utilise proficiency and clout of partners to facilitate the delivery of benefits specifically to members and KNCCI.

Director Lucy Muchoki on behalf of the Chamber President received the representatives from Beijing Pinggu Association for Science and Technology and World Green Design Organization.

The discussions centered on transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri food systems for better production and environment. The meeting envisaged to step up cooperation in the agriculture sector between the two entities while sharing the experience, innovation and technology.

Further two strategic cooperation framework agreements were signed as below;

  1. KNCCI and Beijing Pinggu District Chengshi Vocational Skills Training School
  2. KNCCI and World Green Design Organization Kenya Office


  1. Cooperation in Agriculture
  2. Sustainable and resilient agribusiness
  3. Enhancing Partnership and collaboration

In attendance from KNCCI was Director Lucy Muchoki, Chair Women in Business Madam Zainab.