The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) successfully conducted a two-day training session for its National Governing Council, generously sponsored by AAR Insurance. The session, held at the Weston Hotel in Nairobi, covered key topics in business leadership, risk management, governance, financial management, and legal compliance. The event culminated with a special session featuring Mr. Joseph Masila Director Economic Affairs and Diaspora, addressing international trade opportunities.

Training Highlights

Leadership, Strategy, and Planning

Emphasis on adaptive leadership and strategic planning in a changing economic landscape.

Risk Management in Businesses

Focus on identifying, assessing, and mitigating business risks.

Corporate Governance

Discussions on ethics, compliance, and best practices in governance.

Financial Management

Training on financial stewardship, budgeting, and resource allocation.

County Investment Profile and Membership Recruitment at the Chapters:

Strategies for enhancing local investments and chapter membership growth.


Overview of legal frameworks and responsibilities in chamber operations.

Special Session with Mr. Joseph Masila,Mr. Masila urged KNCCI leaders to leverage on county industrial parks and participate in international trade initiatives.Addressed the importance of involvement in Joint Business Councils and international trade arbitration.

KNCCI leaders presented challenges in visa processing, export payments, and sought government collaboration for improving the business climate.


Heartfelt thanks to AAR Insurance for their sponsorship, which was crucial to the event’s success. Their support reflects a shared commitment to professional development and economic progress.